What Is the Motion of a Body That Travels Around Another Body in Space.

Translational Motion

Definition, Types of translational movement and examples

Motility in physics is defined as a change in position of an object with the passage of time.

Translational movement definition

Translational move is the movement in which all points of a moving torso move uniformly in the same line or direction. If an object is executing translational movement then there is no change in its orientation relative to a fixed point. For example, a train moving in its track, a man walking on the road, birds flying in the sky, etc.

In this article, we are covering Translational motion with examples. If you lot desire to larn about the basics of motion y'all tin can visit our article What is motility in physics to get a general overview of movement in physics

What is translational motion?

When a torso is shifted or moved from one point to another bespeak, then the torso said to be experienced translational motility. It is the motion in which all points of a moving torso motion uniformly in the same line or direction. If an object is executing translational motion then there is no change in its orientation relative to a fixed point


If the object moves such that all the particles in the object movement parallel to each other then the motility is called pure translational motion.

In this blazon of motion, all points of the body have velocities and accelerations that are the same in magnitude and direction at every instant of fourth dimension. All points describe identical trajectories. Past this, we hateful that trajectories would coincident when they are placed ane above the other. Basically, the orientation of the torso remains fixed relative to a fixed axis.

Also from the definition of translatory movement for an object to execute Translational motion, there is no modify in its orientation relative to a stock-still indicate and all points of a moving body move uniformly in the same line or direction. This is non the case when rotational motion is involved. In the case of rotational motion,

  • the object turns about an centrality and modify of orientation takes place. One case of rotational motion is the rotation of earth along its ain axis.
  • Also in case of rotational movement object travels an increment of angle with the change or increase in fourth dimension. For a rotating body, if the increment in angle is small, nosotros can consider the curve to be an arc on a circle at any point in time. The arc length depends on increment in angle and the radius of rotation, which is the distance between the object's heart of mass and the axis of rotation. And then, points at unlike distances from the axis of rotation have different arc lengths for the same angle of rotation.
  • In rotational motion, nosotros depict motility in terms of angular velocity, athwart acceleration, etc.

Types of translational motility

Translational motion can be two types.

  1. Rectilinear motion
  2. Curvilinear motion
Types of translational motion

one. Rectilinear motion

The torso is moving in a straight line. Example. A ball falling from the cliff, A bullet fired from the gun Information technology could be both uniform and non-uniform motion.

In the figure shown below, a cart is moving from point \(A\) to bespeak \(B\). It is moving along a straight line (along the x-centrality) with some velocity \(\vec 5\). Now, this case

  • motion is Rectilinear move because the cart is moving in a straight line and
  • the motion is translatory move or translational movement considering all the particles (or parts) in the cart move parallel to each other. Furthermore, there is no change in the orientation of the cart.
    Transnational motion (type rectilinear)

Please note that we are considering the net linear motion of cart from indicate \(A\) to point \(B\). We are not considering the motility its wheels are making in gild to reach from betoken \(A\) to point \(B\). Wheels of cart showroom rolling motion which includes both translational and rotational motion.

What is the departure betwixt linear and translational motion?

Answer:- Linear motion (or rectilinear motion) means moving in a straight line. Translatory motion or translational motion occurs when all points in a body move the same altitude in the aforementioned amount of time. The translatory motion does not e'er require that the object move in a straight line. We tin can use the term translational motion when the object is moving in 2- or 3-dimensional bodies. As stated earlier linear motion is a type of translational motion and is strictly a one-dimensional motion along a straight line.

two. Curvilinear motion

This is the move when the body in a curved path. It is also motility in two-three dimensions. Then pure translational motion does not always have to exist in a direct line. This scenario is viable if an object moves in a curved path without changing its orientation.
Example. Projectile motion

Transnatiory motion (type curvilinear)
Ball moving in a parabolic path.

Here from the effigy, you tin encounter that the brawl in question is launched from point \(O\) and it reaches point \(C\) traveling through points \(A\)  and\(B\).  This blazon of motion is called projectile movement. Projectile motion is curvilinear in nature.  Here ball is moving in a curved path instead of a straight line in order to motion from bespeak  \(O\) to bespeak \(C\).

Please note that if this brawl starts to spin every bit in the case of a cricket ball so move here would no longer be translational because now the ball is executing a complex kind of motion where it is moving from ane signal to another (translation) along with a spin along its own axis (rotation)

At present if the movement of the torso is such that particles practice not motility parallel to each other, then it is said to general motion the movement nosotros generally encounter in our day-to-day life. This motion tin be idea of as translational motion of the centre of the trunk and rotational move of the body around the centre of mass.

For example in the example given beneath, we mark an observation point (red dot in this case) at position \(O\). At present if we try to rotate this wheel on the flooring by \(45^0\) and then the wheel covers a linear altitude equal to the length of arc \(OA\) and it as well has rotated along its axis by \(45^0\).

Such kind of example can exist seen when a cyclist moves forward in his bicycle where the wheels of the bicycle have both translational and rotational move. Hither particles are not moving parallel to each other they are moving forward along with the change in their axis.

translational motion

Translatory motion examples

Few examples of translational motion or translatory motion are

  1. Man walking
  2. Automobile or autobus moving.
  3. Boat sailing in the sea.
  4. Cat walking.
  5. A stone falling straight towards the surface of the globe
  6. A money moving over a carom board

Quiz on translational motion

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