Does Ace Hardware Sell Dryer Fuses?

There are many reasons you might demand to discover out details about your computer hardware. For example, if you need help fixing something and postal service a plea in an online forum, people volition immediately inquire yous for specifics nigh your computer. Or, if you desire to upgrade your figurer, you'll demand to know what you have and what you tin can accept. You lot demand to interrogate your computer to detect its specifications.

The easiest style is to practise that is with one of the standard Linux GUI programs:

  • i-nex collects hardware information and displays it in a manner like to the popular CPU-Z under Windows.
  • HardInfo displays hardware specifics and even includes a set of 8 popular benchmark programs you tin can run to gauge your system'due south performance.
  • KInfoCenter and Lshw also display hardware details and are available in many software repositories.

Alternatively, you could open up the box and read the labels on the disks, retentivity, and other devices. Or yous could enter the kicking-time panels—the so-called UEFI or BIOS panels. Just striking the proper plan function key during the boot process to access them. These ii methods requite you hardware details but omit software data.

Or, you could issue a Linux line command. Wait a minute… that sounds difficult. Why would yous exercise this?

Sometimes it'due south easy to detect a specific fleck of data through a well-targeted line command. Perhaps you don't have a GUI programme available or don't desire to install i.

Probably the main reason to employ line commands is for writing scripts. Whether you employ the Linux shell or another programming language, scripting typically requires coding line commands.

Many line commands for detecting hardware must be issued under root say-so. So either switch to the root user ID, or event the command nether your regular user ID preceded past sudo:

                                    sudo              <the_line_command>                              

and reply to the prompt for the root countersign.

This article introduces many of the most useful line commands for system discovery. The quick reference chart at the finish summarizes them.

Hardware overview

There are several line commands that will give you lot a comprehensive overview of your computer'southward hardware.

The inxi command lists details well-nigh your organisation, CPU, graphics, audio, networking, drives, partitions, sensors, and more. Forum participants ofttimes inquire for its output when they're trying to assistance others solve problems. It'southward a standard diagnostic for problem-solving:

                      inxi              -Fxz                              

The -F flag ways y'all'll get total output, x adds details, and z masks out personally identifying information like MAC and IP addresses.

The hwinfo and lshw commands brandish much of the same information in different formats:

                      hwinfo              --curt                              


                      lshw              -short                              

The long forms of these two commands spew out exhaustive—but hard to read—output:




CPU details

You can learn everything almost your CPU through line commands. View CPU details by issuing either the lscpu command or its close relative lshw:



                      lshw              -C              cpu                  

In both cases, the last few lines of output list all the CPU's capabilities. Here you lot tin can find out whether your processor supports specific features.

With all these commands, you can reduce verbiage and narrow any respond down to a single detail by parsing the command output with the grep command. For example, to view just the CPU make and model:

                      lshw              -C              cpu              |              grep              -i              production                  

To view simply the CPU'southward speed in megahertz:

                      lscpu              |              grep              -i              mhz                  

or its BogoMips power rating:

                      lscpu              |              grep              -i              bogo                  

The -i flag on the grep command just ensures your search ignores whether the output information technology searches is upper or lower case.


Linux line commands enable yous to gather all possible details nearly your computer's retentiveness. You can even determine whether y'all can add extra memory to the calculator without opening up the box.

To listing each retention stick and its capacity, result the dmidecode command:

                      dmidecode              -t              memory              |              grep              -i              size                              

For more than specifics on organization memory, including type, size, speed, and voltage of each RAM stick, try:

                      lshw              -short              -C              memory                  

One thing yous'll surely want to know is is the maximum retentivity y'all tin install on your computer:

                      dmidecode              -t              retentivity              |              grep              -i              max                  

Now find out whether there are whatever open slots to insert additional retentiveness sticks. You can do this without opening your figurer past issuing this control:

                      lshw              -short              -C              memory              |              grep              -i              empty                  

A zip response means all the retentivity slots are already in apply.

Determining how much video memory y'all have requires a pair of commands. First, list all devices with the lspci command and limit the output displayed to the video device you're interested in:

                                    lspci              |              grep              -i              vga                  

The output line that identifies the video controller will typically look something like this:

                      00:02.0              VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82Q35 Express Integrated Graphics Controller              (              rev              02)                              

Now reissue the lspci control, referencing the video device number as the selected device:

                                    lspci              -v              -due south              00:02.0                              

The output line identified every bit prefetchable is the amount of video RAM on your arrangement:


Retention at f0100000 ( 32-bit, non-prefetchable) [ size=512K]
I/O ports at 1230 [ size=8 ]
Retentiveness at e0000000 ( 32-bit, prefetchable) [ size=256M]
Memory at f0000000 ( 32-bit, non-prefetchable) [ size=1M]

Finally, to evidence current retentivity use in megabytes, issue:

                                    gratuitous              -m                              

This tells how much retentivity is free, how much is in use, the size of the swap area, and whether it's being used. For example, the output might look like this:


              total        usedfree shared    vitrify/cache   bachelor
Mem:11891132688772121687 10077
Swap:1999 01999

The top control gives you more detail on retentivity use. It shows current overall retentiveness and CPU utilise and also breaks it downward by procedure ID, user ID, and the commands existence run. It displays full-screen text output:


Disks, filesystems, and devices

You tin easily determine whatever you wish to know well-nigh disks, partitions, filesystems, and other devices.

To display a unmarried line describing each disk device:

                      lshw              -curt              -C              disk                  

Become details on whatsoever specific SATA deejay, such as its model and series numbers, supported modes, sector count, and more with:

                      hdparm              -i              /dev/sda                  

Of grade, yous should replace sda with sdb or another device mnemonic if necessary.

To listing all disks with all their divers partitions, along with the size of each, issue:


For more detail, including the number of sectors, size, filesystem ID and type, and partition starting and ending sectors:

                                    fdisk              -l                              

To offset up Linux, yous need to place mountable partitions to the GRUB bootloader. Yous can find this information with the blkid command. It lists each sectionalization'due south unique identifier (UUID) and its filesystem blazon (east.g., ext3 or ext4):


To listing the mounted filesystems, their mount points, and the space used and available for each (in megabytes):

                                    df              -1000                              

Finally, you can list details for all USB and PCI buses and devices with these commands:





Linux offers tons of networking line commands. Here are just a few.

To come across hardware details about your network card, issue:

                      lshw              -C              network                  

Traditionally, the command to show network interfaces was ifconfig:

                                    ifconfig              -a                              

But many people now use:

                                    ip link              evidence                  


                                    netstat              -i                              

In reading the output, information technology helps to know common network abbreviations:

Abbreviation Pregnant
lo Loopback interface
eth0 orenp* Ethernet interface
wlan0 Wireless interface
ppp0 Bespeak-to-Point Protocol interface (used by a dial-upward modem, PPTP VPN connection, or USB modem)
vboxnet0 orvmnet* Virtual auto interface

The asterisks in this table are wildcard characters, serving as a placeholder for any series of characters appear from system to arrangement.

To evidence your default gateway and routing tables, issue either of these commands:

                                    ip route              |              column              -t                              


                                    netstat              -r                              


Let'south conclude with two commands that display low-level software details. For example, what if you desire to know whether you have the latest firmware installed? This control shows the UEFI or BIOS appointment and version:

                      dmidecode              -t              bios                  

What is the kernel version, and is information technology 64-fleck? And what is the network hostname? To find out, consequence:

                                    uname              -a                              

Quick reference chart

This chart summarizes all the commands covered in this article:

Display info about all hardware inxi -Fxz--or--

hwinfo --short--or--

lshw  -brusk

Brandish all CPU info lscpu--or--

lshw -C cpu

Prove CPU features (e.g., PAE, SSE2) lshw -C cpu | grep -i capabilities
Report whether the CPU is 32- or 64-bit lshw -C cpu | grep -i width
Show electric current memory size and configuration dmidecode -t memory | grep -i size--or--

lshw -short -C retentivity

Testify maximum memory for the hardware dmidecode -t retention | grep -i max
Determine whether retentivity slots are available lshw -curt -C memory | grep -i empty

(a null answer ways no slots available)

Determine the amount of video retentiveness lspci | grep -i vga

then reissue with the device number;

for example: lspci -five -south 00:02.0

The VRAM is theprefetchable value.

Show current retention utilize gratis -grand--or--


List the deejay drives lshw -short -C disk
Show detailed information about a specific disk drive hdparm -i /dev/sda

(replacesda if necessary)

List data nigh disks and partitions lsblk     (unproblematic)--or--

fdisk -fifty   (detailed)

Listing partition IDs (UUIDs) blkid
List mounted filesystems, their mountain points,

and megabytes used and bachelor for each

df -m
List USB devices lsusb
List PCI devices lspci
Show network bill of fare details lshw -C network
Show network interfaces ifconfig -a--or--

ip link show --or--

netstat -i

Display routing tables ip route | column -t --or--

netstat -r

Brandish UEFI/BIOS info dmidecode -t bios
Testify kernel version, network hostname, more than uname -a

Do you have a favorite command that I disregarded? Please add together a comment and share it.

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